About Us
Mind Over Matter Health Services, Inc is a discreet therapy services mental health organization that focuses on helping individuals find their optimum health through healthy thinking, healthy eating, love, wellness education, general education and disease prevention. Our services are for all that reach out for help.
Our program is self-pay. We do not accept insurance or assist with insurance reimbursement efforts. We accept adults over the age of 18. Our extensive and wide-ranging diagnostic approach allows our clinicians to tailor the most appropriate treatment plan for the individual for continued support outside of therapy sessions. We help hundreds of people each year gain a thorough understanding of their illness and implement effective strategies for treatment.
Our virtual therapy office allows you to be in a peaceful setting of your choice while enjoying the benefits of discreet help, in which patients can focus on their treatment and overall health and well-being. You decide if you want to be on video call or a telephone call. Sessions are 30 minutes per day up to 2 per day.

Core Human Basic Needs
We treat the whole person by focusing on the core basics needs of every human being – Love, Security, Confidence, Shelter, and Nutrition.
LOVE – The feeling of love is one that keeps us sane and connected to other human beings. Love transcends all bounds and remains the same across cultures and languages.
SECURITY – feeling safe and knowing that your person, your loved ones and belongings are safe brings a feeling of relaxation and calmness. Feeling safe and secure with your environment and with your life is paramount.
CONFIDENCE – There’s nothing like going into a situation prepared and knowing that you’re about to perform at the top of your game- life situations happen that may make us second guess ourselves or our value. Having confidence, not to be confused with arrogance, is needed to be successful in life.
SHELTER – Getting or keeping a roof over our heads is a feat that some take for granted. And it’s not just about any shelter that’s important- human beings must feel comfortable in the shelter in which they live and raise families in.
NUTRITION – Literally, you are what you eat. What we put in our bodies affect what we get from our bodies. Proper nutrition is extremely important for physical, mental and overall good health.
Optimum Health
Helping individuals find their optimum health through Healthy Thinking, Healthy Eating, Love, Wellness Education, General Education and Disease Prevention.
The word “can’t should never be in your vocabulary when referencing your abilities. We strive to change faulty thinking by getting to the core of the distress.
Besides it being a no brainer that what we put in our bodies may in some way affect what our bodies produce, many studies have shown a direct link between nutrient deficiencies playing a major role in poor mental health
What you learn in the therapy session should be continued at home and in other environments in which you spend your time. Our goal is to help you change your lifestyle to a more fulfilling one-whatever that looks like to you.
We provide our services in an atmosphere that feels good from the time you walk through our doors. Our clinicians and support staff are carefully screened with our “love” meter. We encourage family or a loved one to participate in the healing process and we ask of you that you come into our facilities with love in your heart or at least a desire to have love in your heart. Our aim is to Spread Love and Share Love.
We provide educational training, workshops and seminars to address the life situations that may contribute to your uneasiness or stress (i.e. Balancing Work and Family, Q&A When Considering Bankruptcy, Budgeting, etc). We also incorporate education through strategic skill building for handling life situations on a daily basis.
Your mental health can directly affect your physical health and vice versa. We are committed to providing health education and awareness by promoting and empowering individuals and our communities to engage in healthy behaviors, and make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other morbidities.
For Employers
Most companies understand the value of a quality education, when it comes to hiring and developing employees. Long-term individual development is still the responsibility of the potential employee. But once the individual has been hired, professional development becomes the responsibility of the organization.
Although the employee was hired with a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities, if the roles and responsibilities of the position change—and they will—the employer has a “corporate social responsibility” to invest in their human capital.
Here’s how we can help. We offer corporations, organizations and agencies a discounted rate on their employee’s CEU‘s when you commit to using our in- person and on line training program. Call for more information 1.800.680.1132 or go to www.ftsacademy.com.
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Are you ready to take that step to a better & healthier self?
Call us now at (443) 405-1095 or schedule an appointment.