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616 Old Edmonson Ave. Catonsville MD 21228

What To Expect When Expecting

“What to expect when expecting” (mental health support group) Pregnancy is a very beautiful experience but can come with many physical and emotional challenges. This group will focus on techniques, strategies and education that will help you and your partner understand what your body is doing during this magnificent time.

Parenting Classes Now Forming

Parenting classes now forming Were you court ordered to attend parenting classes due to a pending divorce or custody hearing? Do you wonder if you are a good parent? Is the question, “What is everyone else doing to discipline their child” on your mind? If so, then the parenting class is for you. The misconception […]

Balancing Work & Family Course

This course is via FTS Academy Balancing Work and Family” (3 CEU’s) $85 Are you bringing work home, don’t have enough hours in the day to complete all of your tasks, are your days blended together, are papers piling up on your desk, has your spouse or significant other stated that you are working too […]

Healthy Eating Tips

Use smaller plates so that it holds less food Drink water with your meal instead of soda or sugary drink Add lemon and/or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to your water Have a white starch only 2 times a week Stay away from pork Read the ingredients on the foods you buy and research […]

FTS Academy

Employers: Does your clinical staff need Continuing Education Units for Recertification? FTS Academy is the training department of Family Therapy Services, a mental health practice located in Baltimore, MD. We have over 20 years in the field of mental and behavioral health. Our extensive knowledge of the field and years of experience as professional trainers […]

Valuable Resources

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